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About us

Agency for Information and Private Information (AIP) is the agency of the company, the agency for the media and the company Ligjit Nr. 06 / L-081 on the issue of public documents and Ligjit Nr. 06 / L-082 For staff members and staff members, I will provide you with the right to write and write themes for staff members, as well as for staff members, and to guarantee documents and publications. The Agency will be able to support the training and training of the competent authorities, and we will not be able to share the rights of the Republic of Kosovo. It is important for children to be competent and competent in their work, as well as to be able to understand, and to be able to use it, and to be able to help them.
The competence and competence of the AIP is not limited to the provisions and regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science for the purposes of the Ministry of Education and Science.

On the basis of the Publicity of the Public Documents, the Agency of the Competent Authority and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China, and the promotions of the permanent and institutional audiences of the Public. If you are interested in the nature of the parasite and the parasite of the body and the body of the body, the Agency may have the following or the following:
the monitoring and reporting of human resources and respect to the public institutions of the public; the recommendations for the reform and the reform of the country are based on the specifics, and the specifics of the institutional specifics do not lead to the implementation of the documents of the public; the institution of the institution for the organization and organization of the public for the sake of the public in the documents of the public and for the effective development of the league; the public and institutional audiences have the right to direct the right person to paralyze the public; It is important to understand the meaning of the parasite and the parasite that is used to protect the effect of the disease.
The Agency is competent to initiate procedures for declassification and classification of documents and classification of documents for classification and documentation.

On the basis of the Ligjit for Mbrojtjen e të Dhënave dhe pa cenuar detyrat e tjera të përcaktuara sipas këtij ligji, Agjencia ka detyra dhe përgjegjësi si: mbikëqyrë zbatimin e këtij ligji; të jep këshilla organeve publike dhe private për çështjet lidhur me mbrojtjen e të dhënave; the information provided to the public for the development and development of information and information; promotions and support of the right topics for the promotion of personal staff; sell me the question of the subject of the story; The Parliament, the Council, the institutions and bodies and bodies of the Ministry of the Interior and the administrative bodies of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Human Rights have not been able to do so; kryen inspektime lidhur me zbatimin e këtij ligji; If you are a member of the certification period, the certification period is not valid for 43 years, and the level of certification and validity of the certificate, which is not the basis for certification and certification; I was given the opportunity to work, and the opinion of the public institution and the body of the body, and the public for the lifetime of me was counted in the personal staff.
The Agency for the Protection of the Rights of the Authority, the Authority and the Authority of the Bashkits of Europe, will provide me with the information on the documents of the audience and the number of staff members.