The expressions used in the Law on Access to Public Documents have the following meaning:
Public institutions - means the following state institutions and bodies:
government and administration at central and local level; natural or legal persons, if they exercise administrative authority or competencies and only in connection with them, perform public duties, or operate with public funds according to the laws of the Republic of Kosovo; legislative institutions related to their activities; institutional institutions in relation to their activities; judicial institutions related to their activities; independent institutions defined in or established according to Chapter XII of the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo; political subjects represented in the Assembly of Kosovo, which are funded by public funds; and public companies in which the state owns most of the shares, or which exercise a public function.
Public Document - means any act, fact or information in electronic or audio form, printed form, in visual or audiovisual recordings produced or maintained by a public institution;
Information - means, but is not limited to, data, photographs, drawings, videos, films, reports, acts, tables, projects, drafts or other additions, which are produced, accepted, maintained or controlled by public institutions, regardless of whether they are included in any document, as well as regardless of the source, time of creation, place of deposit or storage, the medium or form in which it is located, the name or public institution in whose name it was created or any other characteristic;
Open data - means data produced, accepted, held or controlled by public institutions, which can be freely used, modified and distributed by any person, provided that they remain open and attributed to the source;
Publication - means making it available to the public in a form that includes print, broadcast and electronic forms;
Hosting - means the provision of space on the server and the online publication of websites;
Person - means any natural or legal person, regardless of any grounds, who requires access to public documents under this law;
Reuse of public documents - re-use by any person of public documents for commercial and non-commercial purposes other than the original purpose for which the public documents were produced;
Damage and public interest test - The legal test that assesses the damage that would be caused to the protected interest against the public interest for publication, which should be done by public institutions before making a decision to refuse to publish public documents on their own initiative, such as and before making a decision to reject requests for access to public documents, which must be included in the reasoning of the decision on rejection;
Agency - means the Agency for Information and Privacy, established under a special law on personal data protection;
Commissioner - an independent body, appointed by the Assembly of Kosovo, within the Agency, which is responsible for ensuring the implementation of this law and the Law on Personal Data Protection;
Responsible official - means the highest administrative official of a public institution as defined by law, who is responsible for decision-making within a public institution;
Official responsible for access to public documents - administrative official within the public institution, designated for receiving and registering applications for access to public documents, for conducting the initial review of these requests, for storing and keeping records of these requests and reporting on these requests;
Court - the competent court determined by the law on the competent courts for adjudication of administrative cases.