Enterprise “Marketing Online–KS” gets fined for direct marketing
Due to the violations found during the inspection of enterprise “Marketing Online-Ks”, the National Supervisor Mr. Mentor Hoxhaj reported at the Basic Court of Prishtina the wrongdoing of this enterprise, and the Court through the minor offence procedure fined the enterprise with € 5,000. The imposed measure is final, as the fined party did not appeal the judgment of the Court for the activity carried out during the period of election campaign May-June 2014, during which many SMSs were sent to the citizens, inviting them to vote for the candidates of certain political parties for the Members of the Assembly of Republic of Kosovo. This enterprise has used the agreement reached with the IPKO operator and the contract with PTK/VALA, through which has committed the minor offence under Article 59, paragraphs 1 and 2, and is fined under Article 82, paragraph 1 of the Law on Personal Data Protection 03/L-172. The Agency conducted the inspection after receiving several complaints regarding SMSs that were sent without prior consent of the citizens (data subjects). The aforementioned enterprise is not the only one that was fined by the competent court, regarding the suit filed by the National Supervisors of the Agency for Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Kosovo.
Due to the violations found during the inspection of enterprise “Marketing Online-Ks”, the National Supervisor Mr. Mentor Hoxhaj reported at the Basic Court of Prishtina the wrongdoing of this enterprise, and the Court through the minor offence procedure fined the enterprise with € 5,000. The imposed measure is final, as the fined party did not appeal the judgment of the Court for the activity carried out during the period of election campaign May-June 2014, during which many SMSs were sent to the citizens, inviting them to vote for the candidates of certain political parties for the Members of the Assembly of Republic of Kosovo. This enterprise has used the agreement reached with the IPKO operator and the contract with PTK/VALA, through which has committed the minor offence under Article 59, paragraphs 1 and 2, and is fined under Article 82, paragraph 1 of the Law on Personal Data Protection 03/L-172. The Agency conducted the inspection after receiving several complaints regarding SMSs that were sent without prior consent of the citizens (data subjects). The aforementioned enterprise is not the only one that was fined by the competent court, regarding the suit filed by the National Supervisors of the Agency for Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Kosovo.