Prishtina, 28 January 2016 - National Agency for Protection of Personal Data organized its now traditional conference, to mark the International Day of Privacy.
After a host meeting for the guests from the region, organized the night before at the premises of the Art Gallery, where was an exhibition of visual artwork of artists from Albania and Kosovo, local and international guests revealed their views on options for strengthening the privacy in the conference held in Hotel 'Sirius' in Prishtina.
The conference was moderated by Mr. Jeton Arifi, Director in NAPDP, while welcoming and closing speech was held by the head of this institution Mr. Ruzhdi Jashari. Supervisors Mr. Bekim Demiri and Mr. Aleksandar Spasić had presentations about the general curriculum for training of data protection officials, as well as on manual regarding the training curriculum for teachers of information technology on the issues of protection of personal data among teenagers.
About individual experiences of the participating authorities, on behalf of the Information Commissioner of the Republic of Albania, Mrs. Anola Xhuli made a presentation on 'Coordinator of the Right to Information - Transparency Program'. At the same time, on behalf of the Macedonian authority, Mr. Igor Kuzevski did a presentation on 'Personal Data Protection Official - Macedonian Experience'.
Special attention during the work of this conference was paid to the Personal data protection official, as the facilitator for a closer working relationship between controllers and authorities for data protection, as well as to a curriculum on the protection of personal data, specially designed for the education sector. This year's conference is called Privacy Empowerment Alternatives, which reflects the role and importance of this category of officials.
One of the goals of this conference was to bring around the discussion table experienced representatives of the counterpart authorities as well as experts engaged by the EU to share their practices in developing awareness campaigns and education curricula on privacy and protection of personal data for pupils and students.
For more information on National Agency for Protection of Personal Data, please visit: www.amdp-rks.org, or contact jeton.arifi@rks-gov.net (044 254 785).
RIRD / Division of Public Relations / 038 200 62 961
Prishtina, 28 January 2016 - National Agency for Protection of Personal Data organized its now traditional conference, to mark the International Day of Privacy.
After a host meeting for the guests from the region, organized the night before at the premises of the Art Gallery, where was an exhibition of visual artwork of artists from Albania and Kosovo, local and international guests revealed their views on options for strengthening the privacy in the conference held in Hotel 'Sirius' in Prishtina.
The conference was moderated by Mr. Jeton Arifi, Director in NAPDP, while welcoming and closing speech was held by the head of this institution Mr. Ruzhdi Jashari. Supervisors Mr. Bekim Demiri and Mr. Aleksandar Spasić had presentations about the general curriculum for training of data protection officials, as well as on manual regarding the training curriculum for teachers of information technology on the issues of protection of personal data among teenagers.
About individual experiences of the participating authorities, on behalf of the Information Commissioner of the Republic of Albania, Mrs. Anola Xhuli made a presentation on 'Coordinator of the Right to Information - Transparency Program'. At the same time, on behalf of the Macedonian authority, Mr. Igor Kuzevski did a presentation on 'Personal Data Protection Official - Macedonian Experience'.
Special attention during the work of this conference was paid to the Personal data protection official, as the facilitator for a closer working relationship between controllers and authorities for data protection, as well as to a curriculum on the protection of personal data, specially designed for the education sector. This year's conference is called Privacy Empowerment Alternatives, which reflects the role and importance of this category of officials.
One of the goals of this conference was to bring around the discussion table experienced representatives of the counterpart authorities as well as experts engaged by the EU to share their practices in developing awareness campaigns and education curricula on privacy and protection of personal data for pupils and students.
For more information on National Agency for Protection of Personal Data, please visit: www.amdp-rks.org, or contact jeton.arifi@rks-gov.net (044 254 785).
RIRD / Division of Public Relations / 038 200 62 961