The Commissioner for Information and Privacy, Krenare Sogojeva Drëmaku, together with the General Director of the Agency, Lumnije Demi, hosted the representatives of the Regional Waste Companies in the premises of the Agency for Information and Privacy.
The meeting was held within the awareness activities of the AIP with representatives of Regional Companies and it was discussed about taking actions by the institutions for the protection of personal data during the provision of services to citizens and for encouraging the leaders of the institutions to take the actions of necessary in the protection of personal data and compliance with security measures during the processing of citizens’ personal data.
Present at the meeting were: Chief Executive of the Regional Waste Company “Pastrimi”, in Prishtina, Petrit Reçica, and Chairman of the Board, Fatos Selimi, Chief Executive of KRM “Ekoregjioni”, in Prizren, Burim Shala, Chairman of the Board, Atila Arzullahu as well as the Head of KRM “Hygjiena”, in Deçan, Kushtrim Loshaj and the Chairman of the Board, Milazim Mushkolaj.
Among other things, the Commissioner, Krenare Sogojeva Dërmaku, requested from the KRMs the drafting of legal regulations, the appointment and training of the official for the protection of personal data, the envelope of invoices during distribution, in order to prevent the possible misuse of personal data citizens of the Republic of Kosovo.