British Embassy trains IPA officials for recruitment on the principle of meritocracy

Prishtina, 28.02.2022

With the support of British Embassy, ​​through the BDO project, and in order to increase transparency and fair evaluation in the recruitment process, Information and Privacy Agency has conducted the training on “Recruitment on the principle of meritocracy”.

IPA officials who will be part of the selection committees and representatives of NGOs (FOL, IKD, etc.) that will monitor these processes, the British experts have provided them knowledge on the techniques of preparation of recruitment processes, manner of conducting interviews, selection of the shortlist and issuance of the decision based on meritocracy.

IPA highly appreciates co-operation with the British Embassy in Pristina, in particular the BDO project experts, and remains committed to develope fair and transparent recruitment processes, based to the principle of meritocracy.