With the support of GIZ, the workshop on Personal Data Protection started today with experts from the Croatian Personal Data Protection Authority as lecturers. The opening of this workshop was made by the Commissioner for Information and Privacy, Mrs. Krenare Sogojeva Dërmaku, as well as the Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia, Mrs. Danijela Barisic. On this occasion, the beginning of a genuine cooperation between the authorities for the protection of personal data of both countries was emphasized.

The purpose of this workshop is to exchange best practices in the field of personal data protection, as well as to reveal common challenges in this field. Furthermore, the main focus will be on complicated cases, the process of handling complaints regarding to data protection, the importance of communication and public awareness in the field of personal data protection, as well as the processing of personal data in various sectors, that police, justice, finance, insurance, telecommunications, health, and education.