In the framework of cooperation with non-governmental organizations in Kosovo, the Agency for Information and Privacy today presented the six-month report for the period January-June 2024.
In the meeting with the representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations, the Commissioner for Information and Privacy, Krenare Sogojeva-Dërmaku discussed the development of the transparency program for the proactive publication of documents by public institutions, the partnership with homologous authorities and regional and international organizations, as well as the realism of access to public documents and protection of personal data, including the number of complaints addressed to the Agency during this period. 

Among other things, the Commissioner informed the representatives of NGOs about the actions of the Agency in the framework of raising the awareness of public and private institutions for ensuring the right to access to public documents and the protection of personal data, including special activities carried out with Public and private enterprises, activity with municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo, as well as training for the Justice System in Kosovo, namely with prosecutors and judges.

Representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations: BIRN Kosovo, Democracy for Development (D4D), Democracy Plus, Iniciativa për Progres – INPO, Kosova Democratic Institute / Transparency International Kosova, Kosovar Center for Security Studies – KCSS, Kosovo Law Institute, Levizja FOL, NGO ACDC, Platforma CiviKos