By invitation from UNWomen Kosovo, the Commissioner for Information and Privacy, in the role of a panelist, participated in the Conference “Public Administration Reforms for Effective and Flexible Governance,” organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo in collaboration with the Office of the Prime Minister and the University of Prishtina

In the panel on “Gender Integration in Public Policies and Budgeting,” Commissioner Krenare Sogojeva Dermaku emphasized that gender inclusion in responsible and inclusive public policies, along with gender budgeting, represents a significant step towards an equal society. Among other topics, she also discussed the planning of policies that advance women’s capacities and encourage their participation in decision-making positions.
Under the moderation of the Auditor General, Ms. Vlora Mehmeti Spanca, other panelists, Ms. Ermira Lubani, Regional Program Specialist at UN Women, and Mr. Mehmet Mehmeti, Professor at the Faculty of Contemporary Social Sciences at the University of Southeast Europe, also presented their perspectives on gender integration in public policies and budgeting, representing the institutions they serve.