Workshop on the Justice System facing the Protection of Personal Data and Access to Public Documents

The Agency for Information and Privacy, with the support of EULEX Kosovo and the Academy of Law, has organized a workshop on the topic “Justice in the face of Personal Data Protection and Access to Public Documents”. The workshop brought together representatives from the rule of law institutions, including judges, prosecutors, representatives from the Kosovo Police, prosecution and court officials, as well as Police Inspectorate officials.
In the introductory speech, the Commissioner for Information and Privacy, Krenare Sogojeva-Dërmaku, spoke about the importance of balancing between the right to privacy and the right to information, emphasizing that the Agency continues to base its practices and decisions on the standards of the European Court to Human Rights and the European Court of Justice. “It is essential to understand the importance of transparency and accountability through the proactive publication of public documents, but always avoiding the excessive publication of personal data,” she said.
The Head of the EULEX Mission, Giovanni Pietro Barbano, in his speech emphasized the responsibility of the institutions to guarantee the implementation of the law for the protection of personal data and to ensure access to public documents, adding: “The protection of personal data and transparency of public institutions are not separate, but both contribute to the functioning of a fair society and an open government”