During the work of this table, the commissioner disclosed the provisions of the Law on Protection of Personal Data, as a relative right that is applied case by case. She focused the discussion on the role of the official responsible for the protection of personal data and the importance of his empowerment in every public institution. Among other things, the commissioner presented the legal basis of processing personal data, the interconnection of systems in accordance with the principle of purpose limitation and the subjects’ consent to the processing of their data.
On the other hand, the Director of the Department for Access to Public Documents presented issues of public interest within the right to access to public documents, as a universal right. He also broke down in more detail the criteria for restricting access, defined by the special law, including the issue of classification of information.
The participants, with an interactive approach with the representatives of the Agency, showed high interest and expressed the need to harmonize the legal infrastructure of the institutions they represent with the Law on Protection of Personal Data and the Law on Access to Public Documents, for which the representatives of the Agency offered instructions and called for the strengthening of inter-institutional cooperation, in order to ensure the full implementation of these two laws, as provided by the mandate of the Agency.