The Commissioner of the Information and Privacy Agency, Ms Krenare Sogojeva-Dermaku, participating in the International Conference of Information Commissioners – ICIC

The Commissioner of the Information and Privacy Agency, Mrs. Krenare Sogojeva-Dermaku, participated in the International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC) held in Tirana from June 3 to 5, 2024.
In the conference with the theme “Empowering individuals through access to information, ensuring transparency and all inclusion in an interconnected world”, the Commissioner of the Agency for Information and Privacy, Mrs. Krenare Sogojeva-Dermaku, spoke about the importance of access to information in the digital age. and presented the actions of the AIP to increase the transparency and accountability of public institutions, the Agency has initiated this year the implementation of the program for transparency through which it aims to increase the pro-activity of public institutions for the publication of information electronically.
Also, the AIP Commissioner presented the obligations of the institutions that, in addition to transparency and accountability, must also advance the protection of personal data, namely the protection of the personal rights of citizens.
Participants of this panel led by Besa Velaj, Cabinet Director at IDP Albania, were also Ulrich Kelber, the German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Tetyana Oleksiyuk, Deputy. The President of the Council of Europe Information Access Group, Ibrahim Seaga Shaw, the President and Commissioner for the Right to Access to Information of Sierra Leone and Ahmed Ahid Rasheed, the Information Commissioner of the Maldives.
The International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC) is an annual worldwide forum that brings together Information Commissioners, Ombudsman and leaders of other institutions responsible for the implementation of the Law on Access to Public Documents, and aims to encourage and promote access in information as one of the pillars of democracy. During the proceedings of the conference, the Commissioner held special meetings with the Information Commissioners of the countries participating in the conference and discussed the possibilities of cooperation and the exchange of experiences in advancing access to public documents.
The International Conference of Information Commissioners – ICIC was attended by over 200 representatives of member and observer states/jurisdictions of ICIC from all continents, who came out with a public statement entitled “Transparency and the Digital Age: the role of Information Commissioners” and empowering citizens”. This statement emphasizes the ongoing need for transparency and open governance, in order to empower citizens through their right to access public documents.