The Commissioner for Information and Privacy, Krenare Sogojeva Dërmaku, and the Auditor General, Vlora Spanca, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at strengthening personal data protection and information system security in the Republic of Kosovo. Through regular inspections and audits, this Memorandum seeks to enhance transparency and security, thereby improving oversight processes regarding data use and the management of digital systems.
The heads of the institutions committed to coordinating joint activities in the field of personal data protection and access to public documents, as well as increasing professional capacities for audits and inspections through mutual training.
Following the signing of the Memorandum, a workshop was held with the staff of the Information and Privacy Agency, where representatives from the Department of Information Technology Audits at the National Audit Office discussed specific activities in this field, the work and methodology applied in IT audits, and the results of audits related to security and privacy.