Information and Privacy Agency participating in the partnership forum for the Protection of Personal Data, in Brussels

Commissioner of the Agency for Information and Privacy Ms. Krenare Sogojeva- Dermaku and the General Director, Lumnije Demi are participating in the regional forum of the authorities for the Protection of Personal Data, in Brussels, with representatives of the authorities from the Western Balkans, the countries of the Eastern Partnership, representatives of EU institutions ( the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)) and the national authorities of the EU countries for the protection of personal data.
The four-day personal data protection forum aims to establish contacts to help the exchange of experiences between authorities in strengthening personal data protection capacities and effective international cooperation between personal data protection authorities.
AIP Commissioner, Krenare Sogojeva-Dermaku, presented the achievements and challenges of the Republic of Kosovo in the field of personal data protection and emphasized that Kosovo’s legislation is in full harmony with international standards for the protection of personal data. She called on the authorities for cooperation in the exchange of experiences between the authorities in the framework of the digitization of services and the unified approach to the protection of data during the provision of services to citizens.
The partnership forum on personal data protection was organized by the SIGMA Program, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) Program “EaP Regional Fund4PAR”, the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and the Regional School for Public Administration ( ReSPA).