The Information and Privacy Agency requires businesses that install cameras to comply with the criteria of the Personal Data Protection Law

July 15, 2024, Pristina
The Information and Privacy Agency, in the framework of the protection of personal data of citizens, namely the supervision of the implementation of Law No. 06/L-082 for Personal Data Protection, security improvement, and property protection, requires businesses to take actions to ensure compliance with legal obligations.
Businesses using surveillance cameras must first:
• Make an assessment that it is necessary to place cameras and the same action cannot be achieved by other means, such as: by placing a greater lighting;
• To make a decision on the installation of the camera surveillance system where they will describe the purpose of the installation, the number of cameras, designate the responsible person and the duration of the storage of the recordings (note, LPDP has provided that the duration of the storage of these recordings is maximum one (1) month, unless otherwise required for legitimate purposes);
• To inform the persons under surveillance: to place visible notices informing individuals that the area is under surveillance,
• Determine purpose and legitimacy: ensure that the use of cameras is for legitimate and clearly defined purposes, such as improving security and preventing crime,
• To properly inform employees in writing about the camera surveillance system and their rights,
• Protect personal data: ensure that data collected by cameras is protected from unauthorized access and processed lawfully,
The Agency requires businesses to take action to establish these measures that are essential to ensure that businesses respect the privacy rights of individuals, in accordance with applicable legislation, and improve their security.